“Easy to use authentication based security module for PHP enabled web sites”
phpAuthent is a free and open source software designed to help implementing users and groups based security in PHP based websites.
Further more, it provides an authentication layer (through public methods usage), a database schema for storing authentication related information, and a web-based administration module to manage users, groups and rights management.
The objective of phpAuthent is to provide a security layer that is easy to use and implement. We're looking for a way to secure an entire site without having to constantely edit pages PHP code to maintain users and groups rights up to date.
- phpAuthent 0.2.1 released 28.08.2005
Bug fixes, new translation files. See the changelog for a detailed list of what changed. - phpAuthent 0.2.0 released 19.04.2005
This release brings some new features to better anticipate future ehancements. See the changelog for a detailed list of what changed.
Key features
- Users and groups management
- Page level security and in-page security
- Groups memberships assigned through a graphical embedded utility
- One user can be assigned to several groups
- Easy to use security API
- Web administration interface (supports multiple languages)
- Lightweight MySQL database
- .... read more